Welcome to Deadeye55 Poker world. This site is dedicated to Texas no limit holdem poker, and will include, Poker stories, tips, site reviews, and comments. Please feel free to post a story, or a site review, or anything else Poker related.


    Saturday, September 16, 2006

    Chat box

    When i`m playing poker online , i have started to turn off my chat box/player chat as it stops me getting into heated debates about what hands should or shouldn't have been played, and helps me concentrate on my game more. But every now and again i throw the odd insult in just to wind my opponents up a bit, and with chat turned off you don't get wound up by the reply`s .
    Have you got a poker related story or any poker playing tips ? if so, post a comment, or e-mail me, and i will show the world how clever you are.


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