Friday, June 30, 2006
Playing poker live

Any opinions about live verses online, post me a comment and we can all live happy and fruitfull lives, for all of eternity or something.

Mid pairs

I read an interesting article in pokerplayer magazine, about playing mid pairs.
They say that you will only improve on them 12 percent of the time, so you wont improve 88 percent of the time! Also 77 has got a 50/50 chance against 9/10 suited so wach out for those mid pairs.
There were lots of good tips and advice on playing texas holdem in this mag and if you subscribe over the internet you can have it for a whole year for £7.50 (about $15) .
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Monday, June 26, 2006
Four of a kind

I got busted last night, i had pocketfour`s, other guy had K3, I limped in, then the flop came, 333 , alarm bells were ringing but i still chucked all my chips in. I thought that he might fold to my all in raise but it was not to be . never expected that, oh well .
Got any nightmare poker tales to tell ?? come on, share them with us, post a comment.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Online poker cheating

Have you ever had the feeling that there are players on your table who are playing together? Its bound to go on . I`v had my doubts about alot of games that i have been involved with. What do you think? post me your comments on this subject. I would be very interested to know what you think and what if anything can be done to avoid it.
Best starting hands?

whats your favourite starting hand? let me know what and why?
have a look at this its full of odds and statistics on different hands and scenarios. post me your comments tell me what you think.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Week preflop raise

I was in a mtt the other night, when everyone folded to me and there were 3 players after me. (i was the big blind) i was sitting with AJ off, so i put in a minimum raise of 500 had about 4000 chips. others had around 6/10,000 chips. two folded and the last one called, the flop came A37, so then i went all in and the guy called me , He had A3, i was out. i thought he was a monkey for calling my raise with A3, but soon realised he probably would have folded, if i had raised alot higher than 500. He must have thought that if i had a picture card ace i would have raised higher , so he called for 500 thinking it was a bargain . oh well you live and learn. (ps the blinds were about 150- 300.)
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Site links
Have you got a Poker site link? post it to me and i will publish it, just put a link back to this site on your site, and we can all live happily ever after.
Nice poker site for beginers/advanced players
Check this site out its got training videos, poker tips, interesting articals and a good selection of stt`s, mtt`s, freerolls, and cash tables.